Other language Classes

Chinese, Russian, Portuguese … No problem, we are here to help you too! Contact us directly to let us know about your projects and let us realise them.


Drapeau chinois

China is booming and is at the heart of many concerns and many fantasies. It is becoming increasingly clear that proficiency in Chinese (or at least some basic Chinese) is a real professional asset. Come and benefit from the know-how of our Chinese teachers, who will help you progress quickly!


Image result for drapeau russe"

Russia continues to fascinate us, both in terms of tourism and culture. Thanks to our customised courses, you will quickly learn to improve your Russian speaking skills. Get ready to discover new horizons!


Image result for drapeau portugais"

After several generations of immigration, the Portuguese-born community has been able to fully integrate into the Swiss social and economic fabric, while maintaining strong links with its country, Portugal. Social contacts, business opportunities, a taste of discovery are great reasons to learn and progress in Portuguese!